Intelligent Humor
"Intelligent Humor" was a comic strip series that ran in small Canadian
university newspapers from 1988 to perhaps 1992 or so. The "story" loosely
follows the adventures of the ill-tempered Rusty the Cat and a good-humored
big galoot called Gummy Nummy as they move back and forth between this
realty and that, involving at times strange characters like Professor Clot,
Doctor Love, Fivus Six, good luck fairies, bad luck fairies, the cynical
fish, fast food clerks, as well as some well-known characters such as God
(who wears an "I Ride a Harley" hat and a "T.M.I.F. - Thank Me It's Friday"
t-shirt), Death, and Satan. Some parallels may be drawn to Ren and Stimpy,
or the British "Zippy" series, but who could begin to search for them? If I
had to describe Intelligent Humor in a sentence, I'd probably say that it is
the comic version of a Butthole Surfers song, but really the title says it
all. A few episodes use the title "Big Meaty Chunks," which may not be so
easy to deconstruct. "Intelligent Humor" may want to be intelligent, but it
isn't afraid to be dumb either. Oh well.
Peter Höflich has written an appreciation article to Intelligent Humor. Select here to read it.
Here is a list of Intelligent Humor characters.
Xenon Laboratories has a great Intelligent Humor web site. Here are a few other Intelligent Humors that I cut out from Imprint back when they were publishing Chris Williams' work.
Captain `A' and the ex last unicorn in Buffalo...
Gummy Nummy returns...
Honda Civic Boy vs Cotton Man...
There's no hair on my chest - but I'm one tough cookie - part III
Gummy goes mental
This week -- Gunplay at last! and an exceptionally bad day for Gummy Nummy
This chapter - Nummy Gummy and Rusty the cat visit a hardware store.
This episode - My Philosophy?? Food shouldn't be a hassle...
This episode - Gummy Nummy in the big house!
This chapter - A strange revelation...
This chapter - General Musclecock's final appearance
This episode - Professor Clot meets two kids...
This week's episode is psychological...
This episode - spot Puffy! and win 1 of 10 olde tyme apple dolls
Starring: the cynical fish and guest starring rusty the car who is sick of his owner telling him to get off the kitchen counter...
This chapter - Rusty the cat feels bad about killing his owner, General Musclecock...
This episode - introducing Professor Clot and his dog, Cuddle-pie, in the darkest, most sinister installment to date...
This week - Gummy Nummy gets a new hat, and then he dies.
In the year 2020 the world has been destroyed by world war III except for lizards
Bug Man
There's no hair on my chest, but I'm one tough cookie - Part II
This week - another character dies
This Chapter - Captain Apocalypse and Rusty the cat decide to take a vacation... (and a new character is introduced!)
This episode - Gummy Nummy tries his hand as a lab assistant...
Featuring: The Cynical Fish. Guest staring: Rusty the cat and elvis
Evil Eye
This Episode - Captain Apocalypse + Super Cat vs the Evil Pilot
This episode - Rusty and Fivus Six sign up for art lessons...
This episode - so delicious...
This week - Gummy Nummy comes back to life minus an explanation...
This episode - Gummy Nummy gets nostalgic
Presents: How to be happy!! (A special guide for you to share with your immediate family)
This episode: Rules!!
She's super freaky
This episode - Mr. Roper overheard Janet talking... Krissy's Pregnant!
Big Meaty Chunks
This episode - big things at McDonalds
This episode - The kid with the big head goes to a nightclub...
Ninja star power
This episode - shocking parallels!!
This episode - Robbie the mongoose dies.
Crap-ola, Gummy Nummy + Rusty enter a rowing contest
This episode - in stereo (where available)
Quack Fix
Evil dogs!
This episode - a bad day for the tartstomper brothers...
Oh my gosh, it's...
This episode - all we are saying... is "Yahtzee!"